Environmental Site Assessments
The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is generally considered a Client’s first step in the process of due diligence during commercial & private real estate transactions. Phase I ESA services are performed in accordance with the published recommendation by the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (ASTM E 1527-13): The ASTM Standard plan outlines that Phase I ESAs are intended to satisfy the requirements for all appropriate inquiry (AAI), which is necessary for our Client’s CERCLA’s (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act) liability protection. A Phase I ESA is generally performed by qualified, experienced educated individuals.
The intent of these individuals is to assess and identify “Recognized Environmental Conditions” by conducting research into current and historical property uses. Their focus is to determine if the current or historical uses have affected the surface or subsurface soil or groundwater beneath the property. The term recognized environmental conditions (RECs) by ASTM Standard means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous chemical substances and/or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: (1) due to any release of chemicals into the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat for a future release to the environment.
Next-Gen has qualified experienced company representatives available to meet our Clients ESA objectives. Next-Gen’s mission is to send our qualified representatives into the field at a subject property to assess facts and information, following the ASTM Standard, and compile and issue a written report with findings, opinions and recommendations.
The Phase II is considered the Client’s second step. If the Phase I ESA has identified RECs at the Client’s property that require further investigation to determine if the soil and/or groundwater is affected with chemicals of concern (COCs), a Phase II Subsurface Investigation will be conducted. Next-Gen will assimilate information to identify the source, subsurface geology and select the appropriate equipment for the second step. Next-Gen will propose/provide information and costs for our Client’s needs to make a practical economical decision for their subject property. Dependent upon many physical and chemical states of an identified COC, vapor issues may warrant further investigation and are also considered part of the second step and may require collection. Next-Gen has resources available from other environmental companies to satisfy most investigations. Meaning, if Next-Gen requires other resources to complete our Client’s objective, we will find those resources.
Remedial services are required if the COC in the soil/groundwater/vapor exceeds State “Action Levels” or “Protective Concentration Levels”. These may include a Risk-Based Assessment (non-intrusive), Excavation, Groundwater Treatment, Vapor Extraction, etc... Next-Gen will evaluate each property considering COCs, costs and liabilities to guide our Client to choose a course of action that meets their objective.